Engage. Transform. Develop.

Operations Training

From lean manufacturing to project management, take your operations to the next level with these training options.

Learn & Grow with Operations Training

Developing operational excellence is a key component to any organization’s success, now more than ever. This category of training is focused on practical skills to help your organization become more effective and efficient. Operations, leadership development, human resources functions, and team development are all different pieces of running a successful organization and becoming an employer of choice. In the current workforce landscape, operational excellence has become more important than ever. Employers are often faced with the challenge of trying to accomplish more with less people and a strong operational foundation is the key to this.

Our training offerings in this area focus on the “hard skills” of how to manage a project, how to manage and prioritize your time, and the daily tasks of a frontline supervisor. Our expert facilitators have in-depth, hands on experience in manufacturing, operations management, quality and more so they can bring you practical training that delivers real life results.

Benefits of Operations Training

There are many benefits to operations training, including:

Increased Productivity: Organizations are currently faced with the challenge of growth and increasing profits…without having the available workforce to do so. The only other solution is to increase productivity with your current workforce. Our operations training programs are created to help drive real business results through tools like lean manufacturing, time management, project management, and more.

Improved Employee Retention: Employees who are onboarded well and can feel productive in their position have higher engagement and are less likely to leave the company for another opportunity.

Higher Profits: The goal of any of our training or consulting solutions is to ultimately impact your bottom line. This is perhaps most apparent when we train on topics like lean manufacturing where the goal is to eliminate waste and increase capacity…resulting in an improved bottom line for your business.

Increased Customer Satisfaction: Are you looking for ways to improve your customer satisfaction? Our training programs focused on operational excellence can help you better manage projects and your time. Resulting in both better quality results and on time results for your internal and external customers.

Get Started with Frontline Training Solutions

Sign up for one of our trainings today.

Available Operations Training Programs


Leadership Alignment for Operational Excellence

Format: This training is fully customizable for each company's unique challenges.

Bring all levels of leadership into alignment while each person learns about critical skills and leadership traits.


Supervisor Boot Camp

Format: This 16-hour training takes place over four 4-hour sessions virtually or over two back to back full days in person.

Our Supervisor Boot Camp training provides the practical tools, tips, and techniques necessary for your frontline management to thrive in the day-to-day battle of frontline leadership.


Project Management Essentials

Format: This 16-hour training takes place over four 4-hour sessions virtually or over two back to back full days in person.

Learn the mechanics of effective project management, how to get people onboard, and achieve successful results.


Time Management

Format: This training takes place in one 3-hour session virtually or in person.

This course will look at some ways to help us be more productive with our time, through looking at behaviors affecting our time management.


Leading Change

Format: These 3-hour sessions take place virtually for three weeks or in one 7-hour session in person.

This training will provide an in-depth understanding of effective change management with a practical project based approach.


Strategic Workforce Planning

Format: This training is fully customizable for your intact team.

This hands-on training program will provide the resources for participants to create a strategic workforce plan that addresses the current talent crisis and long-term labor shortage.


Lean Academy

Format: This 4-hour session takes place in person in one day.

This training introduces the principles of Lean and the cultural mindset needed for waste reduction within your organization.


Preparing for Leadership

Format: This 8-hour training takes place over one full day session virtually or in person.

Preparing for Leadership is a one-day training designed to help new and aspiring frontline leaders in manufacturing and operations build practical skills, confidence, and a leadership mindset to succeed in...

Operations Training for Your Industry


Operational excellence is more important in manufacturing than perhaps any other industry. Our trainers and consultants bring decades of hands on experience from a variety of manufacturing backgrounds. Let us create tailored training solutions just for you.
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The importance of strong processes and running an efficient operation is a key component to success for nonprofits. We understand your operational challenges may look different than those in other industries. Frontline Training Solutions can help you turn your nonprofit into one that runs with operational excellence.
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Professional Services

Whether you work at a law, accounting, or engineering firm, your company needs to run efficiently. Our open enrollment or customized training solutions can help take your professional services firm to the next level.
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Retail & Hospitality

Organizations working in retail and hospitality have to operate at a very high speed and efficiency level in order to remain competitive. Let us help you apply the principles of lean manufacturing and other operational excellence best practices to rise to a new level.
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Related Solutions


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Human Resources Consulting

Our HR consulting services include a variety of solutions designed to support your team, improve hiring and onboarding, and increase employee engagement.

The Shop Floor Solution to Employee Turnover - Free Webinar Recording

This webinar will explore another piece of the puzzle: How front-line leaders impact retention. Based on 30+ years of manufacturing experience, John Keuning, Director of Manufacturing Training, will explore how our front-line leaders are the voice and face of the company and how their interaction can help make or break an employee’s decision to stay or leave.