May 17, 2024
Episode 17
What challenges are you seeing? Express International Leadership Conference interview with Amy Zee and Steve Lansing
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In this Episode
Join us Behind the Frontline, a podcast hosted by Frontline Training Solutions, where we facilitate in-depth discussions around timeless solutions for everyday workplace and workforce challenges. Behind the Frontline is hosted by Nic Dampier, Creative Director at Frontline Training Solutions, and he will be joined in the studio by thought leading experts ready to develop people, inspire growth, and unlock potential.
In this special episode series, we went to Denver, CO, to the International Leadership Conference for Express Employment Professionals and spoke with several key leaders in the staffing industry around the nation to gain their insights into local workforce and workplace challenges, successful solutions they have seen for those challenges, and how companies can become and stay Employers of Choice. This episode we spoke with Amy Zee, Northeast Zone VP for Express Employment International, and also with Steve Lansing, East Central Zone VP for Express Employment International. At Frontline Training Solutions, an Express Employment Professionals company, we create thriving organizations where everyone matters through training, consulting, coaching and real solutions to everyday challenges in the workplace.
To learn more about the solutions we have available for your company, click here.